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Free Fight - The ultimate guide to no holds barred fighting (PDF)
Artikel-Nr.: B90e_FREEF
In the martial arts scene, Free Fight, or Mixed Martial Arts (No Holds Barred Fighting), is becoming more and more popular. With a few exceptions, all the various techniques of striking, punching, kicking, throwing, levering and groundwork from all the different types of martial arts are allowed in Free Fight. For anyone who wants to be successful in fighting, it is absolutely necessary that they have a good understanding of fighting when standing (e.g., Muay Thai or Kickboxing), as well as ground fighting (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Luta Livre).
Christian Braun, an experienced expert in martial arts, shows you a realistic way to maintain and improve your chances in Free Fight. Besides explaining fighting techniques for the various reach distances, the transition from standing to groundwork, as well as ground techniques, are covered. The author also reveals how to break out of various holds.
In Free Fight, you have a standard, yet challenging, textbook from martial arts authority Christian Braun, in which all the techniques are comprehensively covered, step by step in 1,300 photos that show the correct execution of all the illustrated techniques covered by fighters of all disciplines and levels without a problem.
Product Information:
352 pages
Publisher: Meyer & Meyer Sports
Available formats: PDF