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Grappling - Effective Groundwork (PDF)
Artikel-Nr.: B95e_GRAPP
For the first time, "Grappling - Effective Groundwork" offers a concise overview of the most important of the fall, lever and other techniques from the numerous methods of groundwork, such as those found in Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling and Luta-Livre amongst others.
Proper training in groundwork is not only interesting for those athletes practicing various styles. It is an essential element for all Martial Arts follow-ers who want to be successful in Mixed Martial Arts competitions. This aspect, which often is the dividing line between winning and losing, is analyzed for the first time step by step. The transition between kicking and grappling distances, the transition from fighting in a standing position down to groundwork and the groundwork techniques themselves, as well as breaking away and executing finishing techniques are all examined. Besides the detailed descriptions of the respective fall and lever techniques, the subject of approp-riate training and practical gymnastics exercises are also covered. Tips for training round off the book in a conclusion.
There are well over 1000 photos that allow the correct execution of all the techniques covered to be followed without a problem. This also provides the student and trainer alike with a good reference book that can be used at any time.
Product Information:
364 pages
Publisher: Meyer & Meyer Sport
2nd Edition 2009
Available formats: PDF